Release time :2023-02-06
Highly recommend Advanced Psychiatry Device: YINGCHI TMS is an innovative, non-drug, noninvasive, highly effective treatment for patients with Major Depressive Disorder and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, which will be the best choice for your health.
Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a non-invasive, drug-free treatment that uses electromagnetic induction to stimulate nerve cells in the brain. The device using advanced psychiatry TMS sends magnetic pulses through the skull to reach the brain. This creates electrical impulses that affect the release of neurotransmitters and cause changes in neural activity.
The effects of TMS are similar to those of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) and electroshock therapy. However, unlike ECT or electroshock therapy, which requires anesthesia and has a high risk of side effects. TMS may be administered without sedation and can be used as a psychiatric care treatment for depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), tinnitus (ringing in the ears), migraine headache pain, mental health disorders, and other conditions where there is some evidence that it may be effective.
Taking YINGCHI TMS as an example, YINGCHI TMS E-series is a high-end pulse generator that integrates the functions of multiple devices into one platform. Its functions by sending a constant electrical current through a coil that is placed around your head and held in place with a rubber band. The coil emits electromagnetic pulses that stimulate nerve cells in your brain that regulate mood and emotion, which then send signals back to the brain's frontal lobe.
This product with an advanced psychiatry Device has been designed to better meet the needs of brain disease treatment and brain science research. It has more functions than the YINGCHI TMS M-series, such as stimulation amplitude, frequency, pulse width and intensity control, which makes it more professional, and convenient for doctors to use.
The YINGCHI TMS device could deliver 100 Hz stimulation without an extra power supply. This means that our treatment sessions are shorter than with other devices with lower stimulation frequencies, making them faster and more convenient for patients. In addition, high-frequency stimulation increases both the efficacy and safety of treatment compared to low-frequency stimulation (5-20 Hz).
The main difference between TMS therapy and electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is that TMS uses magnetic pulses instead of an electrical current. What's more, TMS with advanced psychiatry does not require general anesthesia, so it is less invasive. In addition, the patient does not lose consciousness during TMS treatment.
TMS is a non-invasive treatment that uses a magnetic coil to deliver electromagnetic pulses to the brain. The pulses cause tiny areas of the brain to produce small electrical currents that stimulate nerve cells in the targeted area. This stimulation can improve the function of certain brain circuits involved in mood regulation, memory, and other functions.
ECT is a treatment in which electrodes are placed on the patient's head and an electrical current is passed through it, causing a brief seizure. ECT may be effective for some people with severe depression who don't respond to antidepressant medications or who experience serious side effects from medication. ECT can also be used when medications haven't helped at all or when there isn't enough time for them to work.
TMS is a safe and effective treatment option for people with depression. As a psychiatric care treatment, it is suited to people who are currently depressed but may not be well enough to start taking antidepressants or if they are taking antidepressants and not responding as well as they should.
TMS therapy has been proven to be effective in the treatment of patients with depression and other mood disorders. However, the effectiveness of TMS is not limited to these conditions. Researchers have also found that TMS can help patients who suffer from chronic pain, anxiety, and eating disorders. It can also be used in combination with other treatments such as medication, CBT, or psychotherapy.
TMS can be used in both adults and children aged between 12-18 years old. However, it can also be used in people over the age of 18. The following are some of the conditions that may be suitable for receiving TMS therapy:
TMS therapy is a safe treatment that does not produce any serious side effects. However, some patients may experience some mild side effects, such as headache and scalp discomfort during the treatment. These symptoms usually disappear within days of treatment.
The TMS therapy is administered by trained professionals in an outpatient setting under medical supervision. The procedure usually lasts between 30 minutes and an hour per session. Most people need between five and 20 sessions over several weeks to months (depending on their clinical condition), with each session taking place on an outpatient basis at least one day apart from one another.
In rare cases, patients may suffer from seizures or other serious side effects such as stroke or heart attack while undergoing TMS treatment. The risk of such complications is very low but it is always advisable to check with your doctor before starting any treatment with TMS.
The advanced psychiatry device YINGCHI TMS is the best psychiatric treatment system that is used in many places. It can treat patients with depression, anxiety, and other mental disorders. TMS is a safe method for treating patients diagnosed with depression.
The TMS treatment uses magnetic pulses to stimulate nerve cells in the brain area related to depression, which helps improve mood and alleviate symptoms such as fatigue and lack of motivation. YINGCHI TMS System has been approved by the FDA, CE Marking, and FDA clearance certificate, which has been widely used in more than 120 countries around the world.