New technology enters Lansen -- Case sharing of targeted transcranial magnetic therapy for Autism

Recently, we have received a lot of parents in the background to consult Lansen's "new technology", and it turns out that some people still don’t understand this technology. Today we're going to talk to moms and dads about the targeted transcranial magnetic therapy device (the big machine in the picture below). What is transcranial magnetic stimulation? The... Read more


1. About OCD Definition Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder is characterised by the presence of persistent obsessions or compulsions, or most commonly both. Obsessions are repetitive and persistent thoughts, images, or impulses/urges that are intrusive, unwanted, and are commonly associated with anxiety. The individual attempts to ignore or suppress obsessions or to neutralize them by performing compulsions. Compulsions are... Read more

TMS Depression

1. About depression Definition Depression are characterised by depressive mood (e.g., sad, irritable, empty) or loss of pleasure accompanied by other cognitive, behavioural, or neurovegetative symptoms that significantly affect the individual’s ability to function.[1] Current treatments include medication and psychotherapy. In addition, the current study shows that using transcranial magnetic stimulation to treat depression is an effective... Read more

Can TMS help Autism?

What is Autism? Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a kind of neurodevelopmental disorder that starts in the early stage of development and is mainly characterized by continuous social interaction and social communication ability defects, restricted and repetitive behavior patterns, interests or activities [1]. Men are more likely to suffer from this disorder. It is usually... Read more

TMS Conferences

1.TMS Conferences Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a non-invasive neuromodulation technology. The time-varying pulsed magnetic field can penetrate the skull non-invasively, act on the central nervous system, generate induced currents, and cause a series of physiological and biochemical reactions, thus affecting brain metabolism and neuronal excitability, so as to improve and treat mental and neurological diseases.... Read more

TMS FDA Approved Indications

1.Definition Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a non-invasive neuromodulation technology. The time-varying pulsed magnetic field can penetrate the skull non-invasively, act on the central nervous system, generate induced currents, and cause a series of physiological and biochemical reactions, thus affecting brain metabolism and neuronal excitability, so as to improve and treat mental and neurological diseases. TMS... Read more

YINGCHI Technology